If You Really Knew Me.

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San Francisco, CA, United States
I am a student at San Francisco State University and I am majoring in Design and Industry with a focus in Visual Communications.


Me singing "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster The People

Coachella 2012

I was browsing online through my daily lifestyle blogs and i came across this super LEGIT belt pack by BRUXE on Thrillest. It retails for $60 and i got it for only $30! All i could think of when i saw this was "COACHELLA 2012." This past Coachella i was using my American Apparel jacket as a belt pack because it conveniently folds into a belt pack, but it got annoying because when i wanted to wear my jacket when it got cold i had no where to put my stuff! i cant wait till Coachella 2012 its going to be more EPIC than this last one.