New years this year was awesome. i spent it with a few friends at my apartment and we did our gift exchange.
I was so happy with what i got! i got a Giants world series had and a hookah set!

It has been somewhat of an awkward start to the new year... bitter/sweet i should say.
I found out that my last day at Nordstrom is the 4th, which does not put me in much of a good position job wise. Im still in the system with Solstice so i might go back to them but work at the Market Street location in downtown San Francisco. On the other hand i was told that there might be a possible opening for a position in the handbags department and t.b.d. for women...i know NOTHING about handbags and women's clothing...well i have somewhat of a background working for GAP, but that is nothing compared to designer! so im in a dilemma and i cant decide what to do. I could interview with both departments and see if i get it and move up with Nordstrom or just take the safe route and go back to Solstice. The great thing about Nordstrom is that they hire within the company so i have more of a priority than new applicants. BUT do i really want to sell handbags and strictly women's clothing?! such a hard decision and so little time.
Aside from this time sensitive situation i will be taking a mini vacation with VJAKITS to Santa Barbra! We will be going to do our secret santa exchange. i cant wait!
what a stud