If You Really Knew Me.

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San Francisco, CA, United States
I am a student at San Francisco State University and I am majoring in Design and Industry with a focus in Visual Communications.


Handy Trashbag.

man oh man...lastnight was too crazy. i went to VooDoo lounge in San Jose. I rolled with my friends Ryan, Jeremy, Mark, and Lawrence. Night started off with the question:

"Ryan there are trash bags on the floor here in the back seat. where should i put them?"

"Just put them under the seat."


So we roll to the club and it was $5 cover with drink specials : 2 for 1 Heem and coke and 2 for 1 Liquid Cocaine shots...just plane gross. I practically hate heem and ive never had an LC shot before and i wasnt planning on trying it.

My first drink of the night was my usual Vodka/Cranberry. Chillin there i tell the guys ive never had an LC before and they kept insisting on buying me one..they finally got me to try it...bad idea. After a few drinks i feel pretty tipsy..actually hella tipsy. night goes on having hella fun..saw some familiar faces..and then the end of the night comes..

Few of the guys go eat at a local taqueria which gave us time to sober up. We get in the car all is fine. We get onto the free way and then all of a sudden "Ay guys i gotta throw up!"

Remebering the trashbags were there i quicky grab one and yack my brains out. it was so bad that throw up practically came out of my nose. gross i know.

So basically if i had moved those trashbags into the trunk we would have been fucked. and i would have cleaned Ryans back seat floor.

the nice thing? i had no hangover. just an empty stomach. =)

the end.

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